About Us

Who We Are

What is a small gesture on our part can be life changing to someone else!  And so the beginning of Go To The World…


The seeds of Go To The World were planted in the heart of Dr. Carey Girgis by two children during a medical mission trip to Egypt in 2009.

Working out of an orphanage in an area in Middle Egypt, Dr. Girgis met Mona, an 18 month old girl, diagnosed at birth as paralyzed from the waist down.  She had been assigned an older girl from the orphanage as her nanny.  After being evaluated by the pediatrician on the trip, she was sent to see Dr. Girgis for evaluation.   Mona could not stand or even crawl.  Dr. Girgis’ preliminary evaluation indicated the presence of faint neurological responses in both of her legs. Dr. Girgis provided basic chiropractic and physical therapy treatments twice a day.  Within four days, Mona could stand and began taking steps.

  • Sam, age 8, also was born with paralysis in both legs, as well as club feet. Surgeries had been performed to install metal rods in both knees.  This enabled him to walk on all fours.  He had no shoes to fit his club feet.  Because he was walking on the top of his feet, the constant scrapping caused chronic infections on the tops of  both  feet.  These infections had proven very difficult to control.  Jennifer, the missionary nurse, had told Dr. Girgis about Sam before Dr. Girgis’ arrival.  Dr. Girgis had secured a donation of two wheelchairs and a pair of special crutches.  In addition, to protect Sam’s feet, Dr. Girgis brought and used thermoplastic and silicone liners in order to custom design boots covered with leather with Velcro straps for Sam’s club feet.  For the first time in his life, Sam could stand upright and walk with his crutches and could use his wheelchair for longer distances.  This gave him a new life.

    In 2014, Dr. Girgis learned of five women in a small village in India, each with an idea for a small business, from a hair salon to a road side food stand. Dr. Girgis, in partnership with Westerville Sunrise Rotary Club, secured the initial seed money of $2,500.  This was sent  to a missionary in the village, who dispersed the loans of $500 to each woman to start their businesses.  All five were successful and paid back their loans within 18 months.

    Next we made microloans in Egypt and then in Peru.

    The cost of all this…minimal. The benefit to the women and children served…immeasurable. As a results, in 2015, Dr. Girgis established Go To The World (GTTW) as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

    During the Covid crisis, our medical mission trips were halted, but not our ministry to others.  We continued supporting students in the church in Peru who seriously wanted to improve their education and avoid poverty.  Go To The World gave student microloans to four students and our educational support program was launched.  3 of those students have now graduated and the 4th will graduated in the next few months.  4 new students enrolled in technical school a year ago. They have 2 more years to complete their education.  As the students graduate and repay their small loans, these funds can be reused for another student.  These are students who are active in their local churches but still face a life of financial stress if they are not helped.

    In addition, we began to realize more and more that many of our church people go to church every week, but still do not know Jesus Christ on a personal basis.  This realization started our outreach to churches and groups with our unique 1972 Fire Truck.  When invited, we visit churches, give rides on the truck, and then give those individuals a Gospel message and the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior.  This unique ministry has been responsible from 29 to 95 individuals giving their hearts to Jesus Christ at each church we visit.  

    Our primary objective is to introduce individuals to Jesus Christ, offer ways for them to grow, and help them change their lives.  Our belief is what is a small contribution for us is life changing to someone else.

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